The EPA has extended its deadline for landlords and property managers to come up to speed on the new lead paint requirements.
An extension was granted until September 30, 2010 for contractors to sign up for courses to become certified in lead paint remediation in the event a property owner wants to remodel or needs to repair a property.
All courses must then be completed by December 30, 2010.
The new rules went into effect on April 22, 2010, part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) program, which requires contractors who work in pre-1978 homes, schools and day-care centers to be certified in lead-safe practices.
Two states, Kansas and Rhode Island adopted their own RRP programs in lieu of the federal program, bringing the number of authorized state programs to six. The other states are Mississippi, Wisconsin, Iowa and North Carolina.
Effective now:
• Renovation firms must be certified by the EPA.
• Individuals must be trained in lead-safe work practices.
• All training providers must be accredited by EPA.
Contractors who perform renovation, repairs, and painting jobs in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities must, before beginning work, provide owners, tenants, and child-care facilities with a copy of EPA’s lead hazard information pamphlet Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools (PDF) (en español). Contractors must document compliance with this requirement. EPA’s pre-renovation disclosure form (PDF) may be used for this purpose.
The new federal law requires contractors to be certified and to use lead-safe work practices. To become certified, renovation contractors must submit an application and fee payment to EPA.
The extension allows more time for contractors to complete this training.
Contractors may read about how to comply with EPA’s rule in the EPA Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right (PDF) (34 pp, 2.5MB) | en español (PDF) (34 pp, 1.3MB).
Contractors may read about how to use lead-safe work practices in EPA’s Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting (PDF) (36 pp, 878K) | en español (PDF) (36 pp, 1.5MB).
Note: Contractors and training providers working in Wisconsin, Iowa, North Carolina, Mississippi, Kansas and Rhode Island must contact the state to find out more about its training and certification requirements.
For more information, visit
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