Tenant rights advocates are saying that British Columbia’s rental laws should be modified using Ontario as a model.
A consortium of advocacy groups recently released a report profiling thirteen suggested changes to British Columbia’s current Residential Tenancy Act.
A spokesman told the Vancouver Sun that he hopes amending the RTA will become an issue in provincial elections.
The suggested changes in the report include:
A longer grace period for late-paying renters. The advocates suggest that a tenant should be allowed ten days to pay and cancel an eviction notice for late rent;
A cap on the rent increase guideline, similar to Ontario’s 2.5 per cent maximum allowable increase, regardless of the rate of inflation;
Requiring landlords to disclose the rent amount charged to a previous tenant;
Allowing tenants a warning and the right to rectify problems before landlords can file an eviction for cause; and,
The right to re-let a property that has been renovated, at the previous market rent, and three-months compensation for evictions based on renovations.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this post in not intended to be construed as legal advice, nor should it be considered a substitute for obtaining individual legal counsel or consulting your local, state, federal or provincial tenancy laws.