Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board announced that it amended a number of its Rules of Practice and Interpretation Guidelines on January 6, 2012.
The Board also added one new Rule of Practice: Rule 32 – Legal Representatives Acting as Advocates and Witnesses in the Same Proceeding, and added two new Interpretation Guidelines: Interpretation Guideline 20 – Parties, Agents and Representatives, and Interpretation Guideline 21 – Landlords, Tenants, Occupants and Residential Tenancies.
The January 6 changes relate to the following rules:
Rule 15: Extending and Shortening Time
Rule 27: Ordering Costs to a Party or Board Costs
Rule 29: Review of Orders
Rule 32: Legal Representatives Acting as Advocates and Witnesses in the Same Proceedings (new)
and the following Interpretation Guidelines:
Guideline 1: Adjournments and Rescheduling Hearings
Guideline 14: Application for Rent Increases Above the Guideline
Guideline 20: Parties, Agents and Representatives (new)
Guideline 21: Landlords, Tenants, Occupants and Residential Tenancies (new)
To view the specific updates, please visit the LTB.
As a reminder, due to an earlier rule change, landlords now need to complete the The L1/L9 – Information Update as of Hearing Date prior to attending a hearing scheduled for Applications to Evict for Non-Payment of Rent, and To Collect Unpaid Rent. The LTB warns that failure to complete the form prior to the hearing may result in scheduling delays.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this post in not intended to be construed as legal advice, nor should it be considered a substitute for obtaining individual legal counsel or consulting your local, state, federal or provincial tenancy laws.