California landlords have until July to install carbon monoxide detectors in single-family properties — if they haven’t done so already.
The rule applies to any single-family home that has an attached garage, fireplace, or fueled appliances.
At least 24 states currently require the installation of battery-supported carbon monoxide detectors in rental properties, and provide penalties against landlords who fail to properly install and inspect the detectors. Where a state does not require the devices, local building or fire codes may.
Carbon monoxide deaths can occur from improper venting of fossil-fuel (gas, propane) appliances, including the improper use of space heaters that a tenant may bring into the rental property.
Because carbon monoxide is odorless, and the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are the same as typical winter viruses like the flu, many victims are unaware they are in danger until it is too late.
The statutes that are passed regarding carbon monoxide detectors often are in reaction to deaths occurring in those states. Carbon monoxide detectors are inexpensive, especially when weighed against the potential liability a landlord could face for injury or death.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this post in not intended to be construed as legal advice, nor should it be considered a substitute for obtaining individual legal counsel or consulting your local, state, federal or provincial tenancy laws.