
Rental Forms

Tenants Use Loopholes to Break Lease

Q: What rights do landlords have when a tenant wants to move out and break a lease? - TVS Landlord Landlords tend to pour much of their time and attention into an ironclad lease agreement. That's a wise investment. However, even an expertly drafted lease won't help...

The 7 Essential Lease Terms

Leases can be short or long. They can be simple or convoluted by multiple addendums or amendments. Regardless of the format, pay special attention to these 7 basic terms that give a lease its backbone: 1. List of Intended Residents A lease must name every adult (over...

How Tenants Turn a Lease Into a Revolving Line of Credit

One of the most frustrating problems for a landlord is the tenant who habitually pays rent late. Unfortunately, the lease agreement or management policies can contribute to this issue. Once a tenant catches on to the game, they may repeat it month after month, causing...

How to Deal with Lease Modifications

Lease modifications are a tricky part of property management, and should be handled with care. That's because the language of the lease was carefully drafted or reviewed by an attorney, and lease modifications muddy the waters by potentially limiting a landlord's...

Tenant Doesn’t Want to Renew Lease: Now What?

Q:  If a tenant doesn’t want to renew the lease for the following year, how long of a time is the notice they have to give me so that I can start looking for a new tenant?- TVS Landlord While these lease termination rules vary from one location to another, it is...

4 Lease Updates for 2012

The start of a new year is always a good time to re-evaluate your rental documents, and make sure you are maximizing the protections you have in your lease agreement. Here are some problem areas that deserve special attention, based on emerging property management...

How Do I Enforce a No-Smoking Policy?

Q: How do you enforce a non-smoking policy? If current renters, who may have wanted a smoke-free unit, sneak smoking inside, what can be done?- TVS Landlord You can enforce a no-smoking policy in the same way you enforce any of your lease policies--by offering a...

Postal Delays May Impact Rental Businesses

The cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service just announced it will slow first class mail delivery to 2 or 3 days. That means landlords relying on paper checks may be receiving rent a day or so later than expected.  As the postal service struggles to correct what it has...