
Rental Forms

Tenancy Agreements: 6 Safeguards That Protect Landlords

It's not just the content of a lease that's important for a successful tenancy. The way a landlord handles the leasing process also impacts rental income. That's why it's important to adopt a few safeguards: 1. Timing matters when it comes to signing a lease. Don't...

New Law Restricts Landlord Late Fees

Washington, DC landlords soon may be subject to limits on how much they can charge for late fees. This is the latest example of how unpopular landlord late fees are with local lawmakers and judges. The move comes after tenant advocates successfully argued that...

Lead Paint Disclosure Rules for Landlords

Could you afford to lose $13,000? $20,000? $45,000? These are examples of fines levied against landlords for failing to provide tenants with lead paint disclosure forms. It is important to note that these fines are not conditioned upon actual injury. Should an...

Landlords: 8 Things You Need in Your Lease Agreement

The rental business would be significantly simpler if there were one universal lease agreement form that could be used in every situation. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Because lease agreements must address the specific rental property and the particular...

Landlord Basics: What Goes in a Lease Agreement?

If only there was one lease agreement that would work perfectly for every landlord and every rental property. But in fact, lease agreements must be tailored to the individual rental property and the individual landlord's policy preferences. That can create confusion...

Lease Agreements: 3 Words Tenants Are Ignoring

There is a phrase you see in virtually every lease agreement, yet you probably don't notice it: "residential use only." As straightforward as that language may seem, even landlords tend to skip over it and fail to discuss this point with new tenants. Perhaps that's...

Power Struggle: Lease Agreement vs. Letter of the Law

No landlord sets out to break the law, but that easily can happen if you don't have the right lease agreement. That's because there's an ongoing power struggle between the freedom to enter into contracts, and the letter of landlord tenant law. The right balance must...

3 Tips for Improving Your Lease Agreement

Lease disputes can be a costly mistake for landlords. While it's great to have a lease that protects your rights, what's better is having a lease that helps you avoid a dispute in the first place. Here are three ways to improve your lease agreement in order to...